Course material for the youth leader

Open Up is a full programme, because teenagers like variety. Different materials are used in the weekly meetings. When you use Open Up, you have to download and print some of them to carry out the programme. You can access all videos and materials using the log-in code in the Open Up handbook, on page 7, at the bottom of the Table of Content. You may also be able to access your own YFC portal.

Handbook Open Up

The book contains 10 chapters with Bible stories, which refer to an aspect of prayer. Each chapter consists of 4 lessons with discussion, prayer, creativity and filling in the prayer cards. There is a list of materials in the back of the book. Go to the Table of Content to get an impression of the programme.

Video training for youth leaders

There is a video with instructions for youth leaders. This video will be the starting point of your programme. It outlines the course and explains how to use the various materials.


There are 6 video-animations introducing Open Up and explaining the Prayer Hand. In the animations two teenagers talk about what prayer means to them. Here is a first impression of Open Up.

Prayer Hand poster

Teens learn to pray using the Prayer Hand method. The Prayer Hand poster shows the different aspects of prayer at a glance. It hangs on the wall every meeting. Get an impression of the Prayer Hand poster.


Each week there is a creative activity. Some require downloading and printing. In the Open Up handbook, it says where you can download it.

Prayer Diary

A special wordless cloth book with icons of the prayer aspects. By turning it inside out, the colour of the book changes according to the order of the Prayer Hand. The book has a pocket where the teens can put notes with their prayer points. You can order the Prayer Diaries at Open Up. Go to Contact.

Open Up card

The teenagers introduce themselves to their prayer parents by using the Open Up card. They write about what they like, so that prayer parents can pray personally and empathise with what they are going through every day. The prayer coordinator makes sure they are given to the prayer parents.

Prayer card

Every meeting the teenagers write a prayer card for their prayer parents and put it in the prayer box. The prayer coordinator gives the cards to the prayer parents. They pray for the points written on it.

Prayer box

A nice box with a slot in the top as a prayer box for the teens to put their prayer cards in.


A book to write down what went well and what could be improved.



Course material for the prayer coordinator

The Open Up handbook contains materials for the prayer parents. When you are participating in Open Up you will need to download and print materials for them.       You will need to log in separately to do this. You can find the log-in code in the Open Up handbook, on page 7, at the bottom of the Table of Content. You may also be able to access your own YFC portal.

Handbook Open Up

The book contains the program of Open Up. For the prayer coordinator there is information on setting up the prayer ministry with prayer parents including the Prayer Hand poster and the monthly Newsletters. Go to the Table of Content to get an impression of the programme.

Newsletters for the prayer parents

Each month, when a new aspect of prayer is starting in Open Up, prayer parents receive a Newsletter. It contains information and suggestions for prayer that fit with the program the teenagers are following

Prayer Hand poster

Teens learn to pray using the Prayer Hand method. The Prayer Hand poster shows the different aspects of prayer at a glance. Get an impression of the Prayer Hand poster. The poster shows the prayer parents the way the teens learn to pray. They can also use the Prayer Hand themselves.

Open Up card

Teens introduce themselves to their prayer parents by using the Open Up card. They write about what they like, so that prayer parents can pray personally and empathise with what they are going through every day. The prayer coordinator makes sure they are given to the prayer parents.

Prayer card

Every meeting the teenagers write a prayer card for their prayer parents and put it in the prayer box. The prayer coordinator gives the cards to the prayer parents. They pray for the points written on it. They can keep the cards to look back on the prayers and see what God has done.

Video animations

There are 6 video animations introducing Open Up and explaining the Prayer Hand. In the animations two teenagers talk about what prayer means to them. Here is a first impression of Open Up.

The book 'Faith, prayer & teenagers'

A book about the importance and impact of prayer for young people, with practical information for prayer parents. It includes interviews and 31 crea­tive ways to pray. Order an e-book, freely available in several languages. Go to Contact