Open Up Prayer

Open Up

Open Up is a prayer course for young teenagers, aged 10 - 13, worked out in 10 Bible stories.

For a teenager, prayer is like a hug from God! They can talk to Him, get to know His voice and feel that He is near. The Open Up prayer course offers them the opportunity to learn and experience a personal relationship with God. Prayer will influence their whole life.

Two things make Open Up unique:

1. Teens learn to pray in connection with a prayer parent.

  • Open Up invites church members to "adopt" a teenager to pray for. They are called a prayer parent and are connected to a teenager. They know of the blessing of prayer for themselves, for the teen and for their church.
  • Prayer parents meet monthly - led by a coordi­nator - and are kept informed through the Open Up Newsletter.
  • Teen and parent keep in touch through the Open Up card and a weekly prayer card.
  • Their relationship can grow and if they like, they can continue for a longer period of time.

2. Teens learn to pray using the Prayer Hand method.

  • The Prayer Hand is a tool that covers five im­portant aspects of praying to God, one for each finger: to Praise God, to ask Forgiveness, Thanksgiving, praying for Others and praying for Yourself.
  • The Prayer Hand poster shows the different aspects of prayer at a glance.
  • Each aspect of prayer has its own icon and colour on the Prayer Hand poster and has its own specific prayer points. The order of the fingers can help with the order of the prayer. Prayer points can go from global to specific and personal. During the course, teens will create a Prayer Hand poster with their personal topics.

Open Up contains the Open Up handbook with 10 Bible stories, the Prayer Hand poster, the Prayer Diary and 6 Open Up videos. For a first impression, view the animation.

Open Up is a programme of WakeUp Deborah - Youth for Christ international