WakeUp Deborah is a movement of volunteers. For the growth of Open Up, we depend on donations.
Support us with a donation, so that we can continue to do this important work. Thank you!
Beneficiary Account Name: YFC EMENA
Citing WakeUp Deborah – Open Up
Rabobank, The Netherlands
IBAN: NL30 RABO 0192 3127 82

Sponsor a teenager
Help a teenager learn to pray by sponsoring a Prayer Diary.
The Prayer Diary is a peculiar wordless cloth book with icons of the prayer aspects: to Praise God, to ask Forgiveness, to give Thanks, praying for Others and praying for Yourself.
By turning it inside out, the colour of the book changes according to the order of the Prayer Hand. The book has a zipped pocket where the teens can put notes with their prayer points. In this way, their prayers remain secret from others. A Prayer Diary costs 5 euros. Sponsor a teenager or group of teenagers who participate in Open Up. Thank you!
Beneficiary Account Name: YFC EMENA
Citing WakeUp Deborah – Open Up Prayer Diary
Rabobank, The Netherlands
IBAN: NL30 RABO 0192 3127 82